Creepiest Facts about the freeway killer William Bonin
In this great documentary, some of the creepiest facts about the Freeway Killer.
the creepiest facts about the freeway killer William Bonin. Number 15. Two of his accomplices died in prison. Chances are the three of William Bunyan’s accomplices would have never gotten out of prison no matter how long they lived. William few got off easy due to being the first to confess and being a near victim. Both facts that made it seem like he was coerced or simply terrified into committing the one murder he was involved with. The other three were as unrepentant as banya, killing repeatedly and without remorse and deserve to be incarcerated for an incredibly long time to ensure it could never happen again. Given what they did. However, it’s no surprise to have them had those prisons days shortened the hard way by fellow inmates. First to die was Vernon butts 22 years old when he was caught and the most regularly accomplished abundance crimes. budge died almost immediately after being arrested with many suspecting suicide, although foul play was never ruled out. Decades later, in 2016, George Miley was beaten to death in the prison yard he called home. Number 14, his crimes escalated to abuse shockingly fast. Given his life experience without any sort of psychiatric intervention, it was practically a matter of time before William Bonin started mimicking the behaviour all male adults in his life taught him almost immediately after being released from the juvenile hall bond, improved incarceration and no way taught him his lesson. At least not the one the legal system was created to teach what bond and did learn was how to sexually abuse people and get away with it. Using this knowledge bond and made his own younger brother, his first victim, followed by whatever kids he could learn to his house. The two things all victims had in common was that they were male and younger than bond and trends that would hold true throughout his later grind sprees as well.
Though bond and his mother
was clearly aware one of her sons abused the other, she did nothing to stop it. Number 13. He was further beaten and abused after getting sent to an orphanage. After repeat physical and sexual abuse from his father and grandfather, William bond and his mother finally made the decision to take the kid far, far away from his awful male family members. Seen it is her only option Alice bond and also cut herself out of the picture by sending her children to an orphanage. The bonding brothers didn’t stay at the home for long, in part due to extreme abuse they suffered from mother older housemates. Additionally, the particular institution bonding was sent to believed in strict punishments for under really children, including severe beatings and borderline torture expenses, further shaping Bosnians young mind through violence and darkness in general. Something about the orphanage was so horrific that bonding with refuse to discuss it in detail later in life, even after open YN graphically detailing the many crimes he committed plus the other information on this list. Clearly, it must have been pretty horrific and likely played a huge role in how he turned out so evil. On the other hand, maybe he’s hiding earlier crimes we don’t even know about. Number 12 he killed 21 plus young boys in less than one year. If anything, repeat stints in jail, only emboldened William bond into notice he could almost get away with anything. He already sexually assaulted dozens of young victims and all police could do was send him to jail for a year or so. And sometimes they couldn’t even do that. bonding also realised that he would never have gone to jail had his victims never told beliefs about what happened. And like many escalating abusers, this meant he was going to start killing them. With all that happened in his life. Thus far. It was no surprise he soon discovered the kill itself was more thrilling than the assault. And not only that, he found the process shockingly easy to get away with using the aid of no less than four accomplices bonding abducted, abused, tortured, sexually assaulted, and then killed no less than 21 and as many as 40 something young boys disposing of their bodies on the highways he found them. Number 11 he was arrested for assault multiple times before he escalated to murder. Far from a soldier’s welcome William Bonnie and found his way back into prison less than one year after returning home from Vietnam. Not that the VA had anything to complain about as bomb and wasted no time and getting back to the horrific crimes Bry. He started before his deployment sexually assaulting five teenage boys from 1968 to 1969. He was arrested while attacking his fifth victim and sent to a mental hospital after pleading guilty with an insanity defence. The court soon saw through his ruse, however, when he continued abusing his fellow inmates at the hospital soon getting him sent to a real prison. Unfortunately, his sentence wasn’t very long
as he was released in 1974,
barely a year later bond and sexually assaulted another victim and was sent back to prison for another distressingly short sentence. A third assault in 1979 nearly sent him back to jail for good, but he was spared due to an administrative error on the drive home from his third jail sentence bond and told a friend No one’s ever going to testify again, a prediction that technically came true in reference to his victims.
Number 10. he assaulted fellow American
soldiers while serving in Vietnam.
It’s almost a cliche for someone to join the Armed Forces
hoping to turn their lives around
yet in the case of William bond, and it’s understandable why his family would have wanted him to give the idea of dry on paper, he almost worked as bond and joined the Air Force straight out of high school. When the United States got involved
with the Vietnam War shortly thereafter,
bond and served five months of
active duty as a helicopter gunner upon his honourable discharge bond and was awarded a good Conduct Medal for his service and saving another wounded soldier. Unfortunately, as with the rest of his life, there was a terrible dark side to bombings time in the army. In addition to all the time he spent playing a model solo bonding also sexually assaulted at least two fellow American soldiers at gunpoint during the Tet offensive. There’s nothing honourable about that.
Number nine,
his victims were all teenage hitchhikers.
Between may 29 1979
to June 2 1980,
the streets of California were
the most dangerous they had ever been. Despite the freeway killer nickname bombings, victims weren’t all confined to the highway system as he could just as easily swipe an unsuspecting child from the bus stop for a minor walking down the wrong street late at night. At the time of his worst crimes Bond was in his early 30s and brain primarily on teenagers, his youngest victim of 12 year old boy on his way to Disneyland. In some cases, he would lower the teens with promises of drugs or alcohol before trapping them in his car and assaulting them while others were out right kidnappings from the very start. There was also unspeakable torture, including forcing victims to drink hydrochloric acid and many terrifying forms of genital mutilation in the end, bond and strangled most victims with their own t shirts, making it hard for forensic scientists to research the killer.
Number eight,
he experienced even more abuse while in juvie.
In case anyone reading that last entry thinks it was a little harsh of us to accuse an abused child of lying about his time in an orphanage keep reading. By the young age of eight, William bonding was transitioning from an abuse victim to a horrific abuser himself, having been arrested for the first time before even hitting double digits in age. Initially, his crimes were minor burglaries and petty robberies yet they soon started escalating to more serious felonies length grand theft. This sort of behaviours gets a kid sent to juvenile hall and institution that bond and first visit and when he was 10, as when the horrible trend in his life. Once again, virtually every older inmate or male counsellor at the detention centre sexually abused, abandoned in some way up until his teens bond and never experienced in normal relationship with an adult male or authority figure making it highly unlikely he ever would.
Number seven,
he had several mentally incompetent accomplices. In addition to William Pugh, the man who helped officers apprehend him, William bonded, had at least three other accomplices who travelled with him as he countless Lee ended young lives. Obviously, all four of these aids had some sort of mental issues similar to bond and, and two of them were heavily predisposed to suggestion, along with all the other drawbacks associated with being mentally challenged. The first accomplished was Vernon, but 18 years old when he met bonding and his longest serving ally, helping out with many murders across his Bry Gregory Miley, the second man to assist bond and murders was 18 years old when they killed and possessed a markedly low IQ of 56. Next was William Pew the near victim who later turned him in his fourth, James Monroe was also 18, homeless and had an IQ somewhere in the low 80s. Also well below the average. All were given various prison terms for their involvement with Monroe still serving a life sentence. Only if you actually lived to see his release, which came after a mere four years behind bars. Number six, he was executed for his crimes. Living in California William bond and probably assume no matter what he did, execution wasn’t going to be on the table if you got caught. The Sunshine State has had a long history with capital punishment briefly bending the practice in 1972. And no California criminals had been executed since 1967. At the point bond and committed his crimes. However, the death penalty had in fact been reinstated by then,
and calling bond in a poster child for capital punishment
state prosecutors were adamant and ensuring he faced it. Ultimately, they succeeded, though it took many decades for the punishment to be enacted. 15 years after admitting his guilt in 1981 bond and became the first man California executed by lethal injection in 1996. Protesters on both sides of the capital punishment debate arrived in droves, along with family members of his victims, many of whom were literally counting down the minutes for him to die. Number five, a potential victim became an accomplished and told police about it. Shockingly, for as sick as William bonding was, he nonetheless found no less than four like minded individuals who were happy to go along with him as he murdered innocent young boys of the former accomplish his bonding with utilise. Perhaps the hardest to understand was William Pew a 17 year old that killer met at a party and nearly made a victim before we’re realising people saw them together. Somehow, despite facing bonds terror head on,
few decided it looked fun
joining him as he murdered 15 year old Harry Todd Turner later that same week, as far as anyone knows who and bonding then parted ways for the next year. At that point, he was arrested for petty theft and happened to overhear an officer describing Bonnie’s Mo. Seeking to make a deal if you gave investigators enough evidence to make them believe bonding was the freeway killer soon causing his crime spree to finally end. Number four, he wasn’t the only freeway killer. Terrifying as William bonding was throughout his life. One men alone cannot change the will of teenagers across America, as it would turn out. However, three men can along with their several accomplices, perhaps hitchhiking would still be a common activity had their only been one freeway killer, the youth of the world feeling this menace ended upon his execution.
so dark is this world. We live in that
William bond and was merely one of three men referred to as the freeway killer, all of them terrorising the same stretch of California throughout the 1970s and 80s. Before bonding, there was a man named Patrick Carney who murdered between 21 and 43 young men from 1965 to his capture in
Carney is also known as the trash bag murderer
due to his method of disposing bodies during the same general time span as bonded.
There was also Randy Steven craft,
who terrorised anywhere from 16 to 67 young men carefully tallying his victims and leading to a secondary epithet as the score card killer.
Unlike banja,
both Carney and craft remain alive to this day, although Luckily, they’re stuck behind bars for as long as they live.
Number three,
his grandfather was a serial predator.
The first question most people ask about serial killers is how they could possibly commit the senseless acts of murder that come to define their lives. In the case of William Bonin,
as with at least half of the career criminals
This site has reported on the answer begins with his very early childhood bonds immediate family life was bad enough, both of his parents being severe alcoholics, and his father physically abusive, were that bond ins grandfather was a serial sexual abuser having assaulted his daughter, London’s mother, Alice, when she was a child, ignoring or repressing this fact, Alice repeatedly left her children under her father’s care, uncaring to the fact that he went on to abuse all of their children as well. Alice also believes it’s possible her husband had sexually abused their children, meaning William was conditioned at a very young age to believe this was acceptable behaviour amongst men. Number two, police tracked bond and down and caught him in the act.
Going off evidence given to them by William Pew
police tracked down William bonded through the van wherein he committed most of his crimes. Knowing he was bound to strike again, officers constantly observed bond interactions until they inevitably caught him red handed strangling a 17 year old runaway named Harold date. Reports indicate that it was actually the fifth young man bargain had approached that day. Though the first to accept his advances and enter his van. There’s no way he consented to being handcuffed and assaulted the making it easy for police to arrest bonding on the spot. Initially bond and did as serial killers are want to do and denied everything until he heard a passionate plea from one of his victims parents begging to know the location of her son’s body, admitting embarrassment I’ll be at not remorse over being caught bond and confessed to the 21 murders that were soon further proven based on DNA evidence. Number one, he likely suffered from several mental disorders. Mental health is still a relatively new field in science, and there are plenty of factors even the experts don’t yet understand. In a case like William bonnet, there’s almost no question the men must have been mentally ill in some way. Although the repeated abuses he suffered as a child were definitely a factor. bonding was also described as unrepentant and free of emotion to issues that go much deeper than a miserably awful youth. Doctors examining buttons mental capacity theorised he may have suffered brain damage at some point in his life, building the part of his brain meant to suppress violent impulses.
Other psychiatrists
believed bound and suffered from bipolar disorder, the man himself agreeing with the diagnosis enough to use it during his inevitable murder
Either way, having mental disorders obviously doesn’t mean Vonage student has been held accountable as they merely played a small role in that horrific acts
he committed throughout his life.

Born in Richmond Virginia before moving to Princeton to study History, now residing in San Diego. I’ve been interested in true crime and specially murders since my teens. I launched this site to create a place where people could find out more information about serial killers and murderers.